Technology has evolved at such a pace over the last 20 years and advances of tech that sit on the horizon are set to outstrip this recent surge. As the pace quickens on development we are seeing an increase in the complexity of technology and business will become more dependant on robust infrastructure.
Lets go back 20 years and we were just about seeing the introduction of dial up internet in UK homes, Broadband and Fibre have only really taken off in the past 10 years. But in those 10 years the level of technology has grown exponentially in part to the demand for mobile broadband and GPS. The growth of the Internet of things and services like Alexa and Siri are also now part of our everyday lives.
Accelerating Technology
The pace of innovation over the coming years will far surpass the advances of the past two decades. IOT will keep adding to the number of devices that are connected and AI is likely to be used far more intelligently as they seek to get the edge over competitors.
Also things like driver-less cars and drone deliveries are now a real thing and a viable possibility. There has been a real surge in communication satellites being launched which can give an alternative to fibre broadband.
All this innovation and new tech however is useless, unless you have a strong, resilient infrastructure to be ale to run the applications and process the mountains of data that is being produced.
How do Data Centres Fit?
Data Centres are the backbone of these emerging technologies, if the user experiences are poor then the technology will fail.
The key to guaranteeing that technology trends flourish will be housing servers and growing levels of data within data centres at the heart of the world’s biggest cities and business markets. This offers close proximity to both consumers and other businesses, guaranteeing the fastest, most secure access to data, the highest levels of connectivity and bandwidth and minimal levels of latency.
High property prices and space can make it really expensive to build your own data centre, colocation providers are becoming a much more attractive proposition as often this can offer cost savings over on-premise deployments and also allow for expansion which is not always possible when housing the kit yourself. Also data centres tend to have much better connectivity and bandwidth offerings which can speed up the whole operation and give your business the edge.
Indectron has the space, Power and connectivity to allow your business to thrive in these emerging markets and scale up quickly with no real limitations.
Speak to us about how we can help your business get ahead in the emerging Tech market.
Call – 01452 452 452
Email – sales@indectron.com