According to the AA the way we work and travel will change forever following the Corona virus pandemic that has hit the UK in the past weeks.
With the roads and travel infrastructure virtually deserted at the moment, the prediction is that this will continue after the outbreak has been brought under control, as most workers will be set up to work from home.
Most business’ have already adopted the ‘home worker’ approach where it is viable and are enjoying the lower costs that they are currently seeing but can this be sustained with current infrastructure setups when we get back to business as usual?
Domestic ISP’s have seen a massive jump in traffic during the Covid-19 pandemic from people working at home and children using streaming services and online gaming. This poses the question, can their current networks cope?
There is no real simple answer here, as some of the major cities have already got full fibre access with large bandwidths and speeds of 100 MB + for domestic connections, but what if your home worker needs more when logging into the companies servers that are based in the office? Most connections into an office can’t take the increased traffic and the demand on the servers could reduce their efficiency and slow down workforce productivity or worse still the server could fail, grinding work to a halt.
There are more options than housing critical IT infrastructure on your own premises which have seen an increase during the Covid-19 outbreak. These are more secure, resilient and have better connectivity and bandwidth resources than at your office.
One of the popular deployment methods during the outbreak has been to use a colocation data centre to centrally locate your servers. This provides connection speeds that are higher and more resilient with direct connections into the public cloud where other services reside. Servers are also kept at optimal temperature for performance meaning more can be deployed in the same capacity as an on-premise setup. Infrastructure backups that are in place mean that your servers will always powered up even if there are localised power outages which would take an on-premise deployment out.
Often there is a misconception that deploying in a colocation data centre is too expensive. As a rule of thumb, unless you have 120 server racks in a purpose built on-premise data centre then the cost savings on running the on-premise facilities maintenance and power would be big enough to keep the bill payer happy.
With the new dawn in the way we work your IT setup has to be able to cope, at Indectron we can offer all the connectivity and space you need future proof your IT set up and allow your workers to be more productive and your business to flourish.
We can also help with auditing your current set up, lifting and shifting your equipment and architect the perfect connectivity solution.
Speak to us about how we can help your business IT infrastructure thrive in the new home working revolution.
Call – 01452 452 452
email – sales@indectron.com