
Green and Low PUE, Can Your Data Centre Offer Both?

by Richard Jones, 3 June 2019
Updated - September 11, 2024

Do you know where your Data Centre gets it’s energy from?

With the environment and global warming being hot topics right now and with data centres predicted to be using 1/5 th of the worlds power by 2025 your data centre really needs to have its Green credentials in order.

At Indectron we only buy our power from REGO certified suppliers. What this means is that all the power that is fed into our data centre comes from 100% renewable resources such as wind and hydro power meaning that our carbon footprint is kept to an absolute minimum.

Surly There is a Cost to This?

Well actually no, often there is a premium placed on all things environmental but as we are consuming vast quantities of power (megawatts) we can negotiate our power prices to align with non green suppliers so there really is no additional cost to you, so win win for everyone!

Super Low PUE

What is PUE? This stands for Power Utilisation Efficiency, a bit to techy? Basically it measures how efficiently our facility uses power for computing equipment in comparison to cooling and other overheads.

This can range from 1 to 3+ the lower the number the better 1 being 100% efficient. That means that if a data centre has a PUE of 1 then it is using all the power it is drawing for IT load with none used in cooling and additional overhead. To date we are not aware of any DC’s that have a PUE of 1 but you can come close. An “inefficient” data centre will have a PUE of ~3 and will most likely have old plant or poorly managed. Data centres with a PUE of ~1.8 will have a mix of old and new plant with some use of best practise, these are often seen as “average”. An “efficient” facility will have a PUE of ~1.4 and seen as well managed using best practise. This leaves a “State of the Art” facility which will have a PUE of ~1.2 and will quite often be newly built with high efficiency plant.

Indectron PUE is 1.14 and is achieved by the use of low-loss electrical infrastructure and free cooling, and this number will get better as technology advances.

If you would like to know more about our facility and our green credentials then please get in touch.

Call – 01452 452 452

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