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Everything that you need to know about data centres and deployment

Data Centre Predictions for 2020 Top 5

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What can we expect in Data Centres in 2020? With emerging technologies, IOT, 5G and Cloud computing generating so much data we are seeing the real possibility of  data that we produce this spiralling out of control. With a the looming threat of a climate crisis what does the next year have in store for […]

Jan 1


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Is data the New Oil?

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You have all probably heard this one in the press recently ‘data is the new oil’ but what do they really mean by that? Data and Oil are two very different things, one being digital and the other physical how can they be compared? We lets look at this in a bit more depth, clearly […]

Dec 3


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Make sure your business is secure with a Hybrid Cloud Deployment

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Colocated Hybrid Cloud Many business’ are wading through a minefield of compliance and security as they look to take their systems into the cloud. Hybrid cloud combines data centres or private clouds with public clouds such as AWS, Azure and Google. Its growing in popularity as enterprises are realising that it enables them to ensure […]

Nov 2


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What is the Cost of Low Resilience?

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High-profile dangers like fraud, regulatory fines and cyber-attacks often make the headlines, so it’s little surprise that business leaders are preoccupied by these topics. However, more mundane challenges can be just as damaging to an organisation’s reputation and revenues. One crucial consideration in this regard is Internet connectivity. What are the Risks? Internet downtime costs […]

Oct 4


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How Data Centres are Fueling Technology Innovation

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Technology has evolved at such a pace over the last 20 years and advances of tech that sit on the horizon are set to outstrip this recent surge. As the pace quickens on development we are seeing an increase in the complexity of technology and business will become more dependant on robust infrastructure. Lets go […]

Sep 5


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Artificial Intelligence Needs Powerful Infrastructure

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Early adopters and innovators of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have quickly realised the the technology needs huge amounts of processing power and the ability to transfer massive amounts of data. Most have found that public clouds are not the way to go due to connectivity latencies and costs. Also scaling and operating the deployments require high […]

Aug 1


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